Verse 18

47:18 fa hal yanZuruuna il-las saa’Ata an ta’tiyahum bagtah* faqad jaa-a ashraaTuhaa* fa an-naa lahum idhaa jaa-at’hum dhikraahum

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Ahmed Raza Khan: Mohammed Aqib Qadri:
So what are they waiting for, except that the Last Day suddenly come upon them? For its signs have already appeared; so when it does come, of what use is their realising it?

Yusuf Ali:
Do they then only wait for the Hour,- that it should come on them of a sudden? But already have come some tokens thereof, and when it (actually) is on them, how can they benefit then by their admonition?

Await they aught save the Hour, that it should come upon them unawares? And the beginnings thereof have already come. But how, when it hath come upon them, can they take their warning?

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